
Raining Dollars at Starbucks; Green Carts and Grocers in Food Fight

• Some benevolent (and possibly crazy) fellow literally made it rain dollar bills at a Boston Starbucks. But people at Starbucks don’t need money — why didn’t he choose a Taco Bell or something? [Urlesque]

• So-called green carts meant to bring fresh produce to underserved areas are pissing off some nearby grocery stores, which claim lost revenue. People, let’s settle this with a good old-fashioned mushy tomato fight! [WSJ]

• Hotel chains are increasingly making it easier to eat healthy by posting calorie counts and providing wholesome foods like yogurt and oatmeal. Great, now while on vacation we can’t even pretend not to know how fattening that cheesecake is! [USAT]

• A California program called Sembrando Salud (sowing health) is focused on teaching farm workers healthier lifestyle habits, like getting vegetable-growers to actually eat vegetables. [Good]

Raining Dollars at Starbucks; Green Carts and Grocers in Food Fight