
First U.S. Food-Waste-Processing Plant; Centuries-Old Soup Discovered

• A company in Portland, Oregon, has plans to build the country’s first food-waste-processing plant, which would transform uneaten grub into methane gas and then electricity. Stop cheering, picky eaters, you’ll still have to clean your plates: This is only for commercial leftovers. [Oregon Live]

• Don’t eat that: A 2,400-year-old bronze pot containing probable soup remnants has been found in China’s Shaanxi province. [Global Times China]

• Today Obama is expected to sign that $4.5 billion child-nutrition bill, which would make school lunches healthier, limit junk food in vending machines, and expand free-meal coverage for needy students. Kids, better enjoy those Doritos while you’ve got ‘em! [AP via NYT]

• As a test run, Cost Plus has added food products to three Bed Bath & Beyond stores, further putting the “beyond” in that chain’s name. [Bloomberg]

• The South is contending with a drought that began this past spring, and it’s affecting crops like peanuts, cotton, and Vidalia onions. Naturally, that darn El Niño is suspected to be part of the cause. [WP]

• As if you needed another reason not to eat at McDonald’s, the company’s customer database was hacked and e-mails and phone numbers were stolen. [Fast Food Maven/OC Register]

First U.S. Food-Waste-Processing Plant; Centuries-Old Soup Discovered