Quote of the Day

One Writer Wonders Whether She Put Gourmet Under

Those were the days...
Those were the days… Photo: Whitney in Chicago/Flickr

“Did I think about the fact that I was probably bankrupting the magazine?… Seriously, those articles were going to be written anyway. If I hadn’t done it they would have hired someone else. For my 40th birthday I asked rather petulantly to be sent somewhere nice. There was a new resort opening in Antigua that needed to be reviewed. I was just the reporter for the job.” — Ann Patchett, writing in the Journal about the glory days of endless expense accounts at Gourmet, when she “never saw a bill” and now feels vaguely guilty. [WSJ via Gawker]

Related: A Blogger Turned Gourmet Contributor Looks Back

One Writer Wonders Whether She Put Gourmet Under