
Jerry Brown Wrongly Implicates Koi In Car Wash Scandal

“Bad, bad Jerry Brown…” Photo: Jurvetson via Flickr

Apparently the Tea Baggers aren’t the only political hopefuls who’d be best advised to zip their lips. On the heels of his recent “Whitman/Whore” debacle, it turns out Jerry Brown was wrong when he named the owners of Koi as the owners of several car washes being sued for the exploitation of its workers. L.A. Weekly thinks the mistake might be stemming from the fact that one of the car wash owners has, like most sheisters, an alias whose last name matches that of the Sikder family that owns Koi. Brown’s office is exonerating Koi, whose food and flashy clientele he seemed to have fun lambasting while on the attack. The State Attorney General’s office has wiped all references to Koi from their previous statements, and logically, it sounds like Jerr-Bear stands to lose the votes of the Sikder family who said in a statement, “I would have hoped that the head legal officer of this State would not jump to conclusions on a basis of guilt by association.”

Oops: Jerry Brown’s Office F’d Up, Wrongly Implicated Owners Of Koi Restaurant In Alleged Worker Exploitation At Car Washes [L.A. Weekly]

Jerry Brown Wrongly Implicates Koi In Car Wash Scandal