
Get Nervous, Food Trucks: Bloomberg’s Coming!

Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Mayor Michael Bloomberg seems to have switched sides on the food-truck debate. Last week, his administration opposed Councilwoman Jessica Lappin’s bill that would suspend a vendor’s license if they got three parking violations in a year. On his radio show last week, the mayor revealed that he agrees with the spirit of the law, if not the letter. “The Health Department does not have the staff to go and do it the way she wants, but we’re trying to find another way to accomplish because she is right,” Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show. “Moving stores into the streets is not what the streets were designed for, and that’s exactly what we’re doing.” Considering that Bloomberg managed to ban the use of a legal product in public, steamroll his way into a third term, and tell food producers what ingredients to use, the future of food trucks does not look good.

Mayor Likes Food Truck Regulation, Just Not Lappin’s [NYO]

Get Nervous, Food Trucks: Bloomberg’s Coming!