
Philabundance Giveaway Draws Crowd; New USDA Tests Could Doom Small Farms

• More than 400 lined up yesterday for Philabundance’s weekly food giveaway. [Daily News]

• Expensive new USDA meat-testing requirements could doom many small-scale farms. [Salon]

• The delicacy of wine grapes makes them a reliable barometer of the severity of global warming. [Slate]

• Two Las Vegas developers are attempting to revolutionize Shanghai nightlife with a new club called The Obama. [Reuters]

• Some prisons now allow inmates to order junk food, a move that advocates say raises money and keeps inmates happy. [WSJ]

• Goldman Sachs mortgage traders have an annual White Castle eating contest. [WSJ via Gawker]

• A new study finds that people who eat more chocolate are more likely to be depressed than those who don’t eat much. [WSJ]

• Dunkin’ Donuts will open the first of twenty planned Moscow stores this year, its first since retreating from Russia in 1999. [WSJ]

Philabundance Giveaway Draws Crowd; New USDA Tests Could Doom Small Farms