The Other Critics

Columbia Critic Puts 5 & Diamond Under His Microscope

Photo: Melissa Hom

Other than Gael Greene, the big critics have yet to weigh in on 5 & Diamond, but luckily it’s right in the backyard of the Columbia Spectator reviewer who gave Tom Colicchio a hard time. Did Jason Bell have gripes about Ryan Skeen’s food? You betcha! Actually, he says it’s “delicious,” but he also says that “across the menu, Skeen oversalts and overthinks.” Where Gael Greene found the braised sepia “fabulous,” Monsieur Bell thinks it “looks more like cuttlefish gravy, an unappetizing fishy maroon mess slopped over grilled bread.” Well, Gael did admit hers was a gift from the kitchen! This time, Bell at least has some praise to offer — read the review for yourself and stay tuned to Ryan Skeen’s Twitter in case he, like Colicchio, has something to say about all this.

Despite flaws, Harlem eatery is a ‘Diamond’ in the rough [Columbia Spectator]

Columbia Critic Puts 5 & Diamond Under His Microscope