
Hi There, San Francisco

Grub Street and I have been courting since mid-December, and they’ve decided to make an honest man of me. Today I introduce myself as your new San Francisco editor. Glad to meet you, too. What’s that you ask? Well, I’ve lived in the Bay Area for a decade now, since the tail end of the boom. I grew up surrounded by my mom’s stacks of Gourmet and Cuisine, and eventually ended up working for in NY just as she was getting her website off the ground. I’m also a fiction writer, amateur cook, and an avid eater and drinker, so please send me your tips and gossip about the local food scene, or about whatever. Also, if you haven’t already, become a fan on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter. I look forward to giving you your daily food news fix, my SF friends, and I promise to keep my use of the word “foodie” to a minimum. —Jay Barmann

Hi There, San Francisco