
Kozy Kar Posts Yelper’s Photo After Bad Review

Photo: Yelp

When the 70s-van-themed bar Kozy Kar got a less-than-stellar Yelp review, the first thing the owners did was to tear apart Yelper Megan D. (from Hercules). And post her photo. They seem to have taken the incriminating mug shot down, but Eater has a screenshot of the rum-chugging Herculean in all her glory, suggesting people like her “go to the Marina instead.” Then it gets personal: “Yes, you are so cool. How old are you? You are from Hercules, CA. the mecca of knowledge and culture.” Good burn on Kozy Kar’s part playing the immature card. Nobody looks grown-up in this little fiasco, but like a kar crash, it’s hard to tear one’s eyes away.

Yelp Wanted: Kozy Kar Responds to Negative Review By Putting Yelper’s Photo Online, Complete With Warning [Eater]

Kozy Kar Posts Yelper’s Photo After Bad Review