
The Man who Invented The Burrito

The origins of the burrito often get debated among the bean-obsessed chattering classes. Today Oyster Food and Culture explores the burrito’s path from its inception to its modern role as the city’s favorite lunch food. On the origin myth: “A[n] enterprising fellow by the name of Juan Mendez sold tacos in a street stand, using a donkey (burro) as a transport for himself and the food, during the Mexican Revolution period (1910-1921) in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. To keep his food warm, Juan thought to wrap the food placed first in a large homemade flour tortilla, and for further insulation inside individual napkins.” Replace napkins with foil and you might as well be in El Farolito. [Oyster Food and Culture]

Could the Burrito Wars Rage Once More? [Grub Street SF]

The Man who Invented The Burrito