
Foig-ing Ridiculous: D’Artagnan Agrees to Reword Website Claims

Photo: Courtesy of D’Artagnan

D’Artagnan has reluctantly agreed to reword certain claims on its website after an advertising-regulation committee agreed with the Humane Society of the United States that they could not be substantiated. The statement that read “The liver is not diseased, simply enlarged” now reads “According to published research* (partially funded by animal welfare agencies), the liver is enlarged but not diseased” (two sources are cited in a footnote), and the statement “Animals are hand-raised with tender care under the strictest of animal care standards” now reads “The ducks are hand-raised with tender care, surpassing governmental requirements.” Glad that’s all cleared up!

Foes of Foie Gras Challenge How It’s Advertised [Food Section]

Foig-ing Ridiculous: D’Artagnan Agrees to Reword Website Claims