
Joey Chestnut Calls for Beer-Chugging Rematch

Joey Chestnut's lowest moment.
Joey Chestnut’s lowest moment.

The defeat of Joey “Jaws” Chestnut in a beer-chugging contest sort of shattered our worldview (“he hustled me,” Joey complained after spewing the dregs of his pitcher), so we’re glad to see that victor Dewey Hammond has agreed to a rematch. Even Hammond knows he’s going down: “I have a feeling I’m about to be destroyed,” he writes. If by destroyed he means severely intoxicated, then probably yes.

Joey Chestnut Rematch aka Dewey is a Dead Man [Bark the Yard]
Earlier: American Hero Joey Chestnut Settles for Silver in Beer-Chugging

Joey Chestnut Calls for Beer-Chugging Rematch