You Can Haz: Girl Scout Cookies

Don’t wait for Girl Scout cookies to come to you; that is a losing proposition. Instead, seek them out at one of the various church, supermarket and local business locations where they are being sold over the next few weeks. But it’s definitely the season (these cookies have limited runs!), and fear not - GS cookies are trans fat free.

Meanwhile, are we detecting a Malayo-Polynesian bent to this year’s line up? When two of the eight cookies offered are called “Samoas” and “Tagalongs” (a misspelling of Tagalogs, certainly), you have to wonder. And yet neither contain coconut! A shame.

(Actually, both of those cookies have been around for a while - new offerings include Lemon Chalet Cremes, sugar-free chocolate chip, and “All Abouts,” which have “Girl Scouting Is All About Courage” printed on them.)

Have a good weekend, and stock up!

Cookie Program [Girl Scouts]

[Photo: a helpful chart, from their website]


You Can Haz: Girl Scout Cookies